Flexible pricing to meet your project needs

Flexible pricing to meet
your project needs

Flexible pricing to meet your project needs



Unlimited projects

Up to 25 users

Drag & Drop Template Builder

Mobile App

Inspection & Test Plans

Work Packages

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All Foundation features

AI Document Processing

Automatic Document Mapping

Pricing Calculator



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Premium Features

Premium Features

AI powered document processing

Extract data from any PDF document, including hand-written, simply by sending an email.

Extract data from any PDF document, including hand-written, simply by sending an email.

Automatic document mapping

Compare extracted data to your project specifications and automatically tie it to a physical location on your project.

Visualize in 2D & 3D

Inspection & Test Requests

Issue requests directly from the map of your project with the click of a button.

Automatically track when results are received.


Visually and Cryptographically sign off on reports and keep track of what's done.

Extract data from any PDF document, including hand-written, simply by sending an email.

Custom base maps

Use drawings, CAD files, drone imagery or updated satellite imagery as the base of your Lot Maps

Extract data from any PDF document, including hand-written, simply by sending an email.

Work Packages & ITPs

Organize your project data by Work Package and ITP line item.

Create and export from the web.

Incident tracking

Create NCRs, punch list items, opportunities, etc. from the map or mobile app and highlight the map accordingly.


Track progress and trends in our pre-built dashboard.

Track progress and trends in our pre-built dashboard.


Use generative AI to ask questions of your project specifications.

Use generative AI to ask questions of your project specifications.

1-Click Closeout

Create a closeout package for a Lot with the click of a button.

Mobile 3D Maps

Full visibility into the status of your ITPs on the go.

Coming soon!

Full visibility into the status of your ITPs on the go.

Coming soon!

Live Station & Offset

Get your current Station & Offset in our mobile app.

API access

Connect your raw data to spreadsheets, dashboards or other analysis tools.

Connect your raw data to spreadsheets, dashboards or other analysis tools.


Send documents to other project management platforms with the click of a button.

Setup & Support

Unlimited setup, training and monitoring for the life of your subscription.

Unlimited setup, training and monitoring for the life of your subscription.

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